Development Container Reference

The Substreams Development Container (“devcontainer”) is a tool to help you build your first project. You can either run it remotely or clone the substreams-starter repository to run it locally. Inside the devcontainer, the substreams init command sets up a code-generated Substreams project, allowing you to easily build a subgraph or an SQL-based solution for data handling.


  • Ensure Docker and VS Code are up-to-date.

Upon entering the devcontainer, you can either insert your substreams.yaml file and run substreams build to generate Protobuf files or choose one of the auto-generated paths:

  • Minimal: Extracts raw data from the block.

  • Non-Minimal: Extracts filtered data using network-specific cache and Protobufs from the Foundational Modules.

Building Your Project

You can configure your Substreams project for querying either through a Subgraph or directly from your SQL database:

  • Subgraph: Run substreams codegen subgraph. This generates a project with a basic schema.graphql and mappings.ts file. You can customize these to define entities based on the data extracted by Substreams. For more information on configuring a Subgraph sink, see the Subgraph documentation.

  • SQL: Run substreams codegen sql for SQL-based queries. For more information on configuring a SQL sink, refer to the SQL documentation.

Deployment Options

To deploy a Subgraph, you can either run the graph-node locally using the deploy-local command or deploy to Subgraph Studio by using the deploy command from the package.json file.

Common Errors

  • When running locally, make sure to verify that all Docker containers are healthy by running the dev-status command.

Last updated