Module handlers

StreamingFast Substreams module handlers

Module handlers overview

To begin creating the custom module handlers initialize a new Rust project by using the cargo init command.

# Creates a empty Rust project suitable for WASM compilation
cargo init --lib

Update the generated Cargo.toml file by using:

name = "substreams-template"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Substreams template demo project"
edition = "2021"
repository = ""

name = "substreams"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]

ethabi = "17"
hex-literal = "0.3.4"
prost = "0.11"
# Use latest from
substreams = "0.5"
# Use latest from
substreams-ethereum = "0.9"

# Required so ethabi > ethereum-types build correctly under wasm32-unknown-unknown
getrandom = { version = "0.2", features = ["custom"] }

anyhow = "1"
substreams-ethereum = "0.8"

lto = true
opt-level = 's'
strip = "debuginfo"

View the Cargo.toml file in the repository.

You compile the Rust code into WebAssembly (WASM), a binary instruction format that runs in a virtual machine. The compilation process generates a .so file.

Cargo.toml configuration file breakdown

Build the Rust dynamic system library after the package by using:

Cargo.toml excerpt

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

The next definition in the Cargo.toml configuration file is for dependencies.

Note: Module handlers compile down to a WASM module. Explicitly specify the targetasm32-unknown-unknown by using [target.wasm32-unknown-unknown.dependencies].


The ethabi crate is used to decode events from the application binary interface (ABI) and is required for substreams-ethereum ABI capabilities.


The hex-literal crate is used to define bytes from hexadecimal string literals at compile time.


The substreams crate offers all the basic building blocks for the module handlers.


The substreams-ethereum crate offers all the Ethereum constructs including blocks, transactions, eth, and useful ABI decoding capabilities.

Because code is being built by WASM output it's necessary to configure Rust to match the correct architecture. Create and add a rust-toolchain.toml configuration file at the root of your Substreams directory.

Rust toolchain

channel = "1.65"
components = [ "rustfmt" ]
targets = [ "wasm32-unknown-unknown" ]

View the rust-toolchain.toml file in the repository.

Build the code by using:

cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release

Rust build target

When running cargo build the target is set to wasm32-unknown-unknown, which is important because it specifies the goal is to generate compiled WASM code.

To avoid having to specify the target wasm32-unknown-unknown for every cargo command, create a config.toml configuration file in the .cargo directory at the root of the Substreams project. The config.toml configuration file allows the target to be set automatically for all cargo commands.

The content for the config.toml configuration file is:

target = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"

The config.toml configuration file updates the default cargo build command to cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown eliminating the need to specify the target manually every time you build.

ABI generation

The substreams-ethereum crate offers an Abigen API to generate Rust types from a smart contract's ABI.

Place the contract's ABI JSON file in the Substreams project in the abi directory.

Rust build script

Before building a package, Cargo compiles a build script into an executable if it has not already been built. The build script runs as part of the build process responsible for performing a variety of tasks.

To cause Cargo to compile and run a script before building a package, place a file called in the root of the package.

Create a build script file in the root of the Substreams project by using:
use anyhow::{Ok, Result};
use substreams_ethereum::Abigen;

fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    Abigen::new("ERC721", "abi/erc721.json")?


View the file in the repository.

Run the build script to generate the ABI directory and files.

cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release

Create a export file in the ABI directory, which is created by the Rust build process. The export file is responsible for exporting the generated Rust code.

pub mod erc721;

View the file in the repository.

You're now ready to write the module handlers.

Last updated

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