Remote Service

Using the StreamingFast SQL remote (hosted) service is the easiest way to get started with Substreams:SQL. The following tutorial teaches you how to deploy a Substreams package from the Substreams Registry to StreamingFast remote service.

This tutorial shows you how to deploy Substreams package to the StreamingFast remote service. You can also set up a Substreams deployable service environment in your computer, which will allow you to test your deployable services easily.

The Substreams:SQL Tutorial


In this short tutorial, you will:

  • Deploy the Substreams package to the StreamingFast SQL remote service.

  • Explore the SQL database in your browser.

Before you get started, make sure you have:

  • The Substreams CLI installed.

The package used in this tutorial is the USDT Ethereum package, which retrieves events from the USDT smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain.

Deploying a Substreams Package to the Remote Service

  1. You can find the USDT Ethereum package in the Substreams Registry.

  2. Deploy the package using the substreams alpha service deploy command.

substreams alpha service deploy -e
  • The substreams alpha service deploy command is used to deploy a package to the remote service.

  • In this example, you deploy the USDT Ethereum package (

  • The -e flag specifies the location of the remote service. In this example, you are using the StreamingFast Remote Service (

The deployment of the package might take 1-2 minutes.

  1. After the deployment is completed, some useful data will be displayed:

Deploying... (creating services, please wait)
Deployed substreams sink "60589e45":
  Status: RUNNING
Deployment *60589e45* is *RUNNING*
  - Database type is *postgres*
  - Owner is *0qeru2bd28b954a35c12e*

Indexed blocks: [4634748 - 4785000]
  - Sink status is available at ''

Environment is *Development*, which means:
  - Read-only direct access to the database is available at 'postgresql://'
  - Read/write direct access to the database is available at 'postgresql://'
  - Read/write access to the database via PGWeb at ''

Postgraphile is available at these URL:
  - GraphiQL (browser): ''
  - GraphQL (apps): ''

  - pgweb: pod running
  - postgraphile: pod running
  - postgres: pod running
  - sink: pod running
  - sinkinfo: pod running
  1. Service ID: the identifier of the deployed service, which you can use to manage the service.

  2. URL of the service status: use this URL to verify the status of the service.

  3. URL of the PostgreSQL client: use this client to run SQL queries, update the SQL schema, and manage the SQL database in general.

  4. URL of the GraphQL clent: use this client to run GraphQL queries.

Inspecting the PostgreSQL client

Once the package is deployed, your Substreams starts indexing data. You can access this data through in the form of a PostgreSQL database or a GraphQL API. To access the PostgreSQL client (PGWeb), copy the URL provided.

Stopping a Service

If you have not included a stop block in the package manifest, your Substreams will keep indexing the head of the chain, thus consuming bytes from your StreamingFast plan. To stop a service, get the service ID and run the following command:

substreams alpha service stop <SERVICE-ID> -e

Last updated