Local Development

The Graph Node is the software that indexers run to index subgraphs. When developing a subgraph (or Substreams-powered subgraph), it is very convenient to test the subgraph deployment locally. This can be achieved by running the Graph Node software and all its dependencies in a local Docker environment.

Clone the Substreams Development Environment GitHub repository, which contains the necessary shell scripts to run a local Graph Node in your computer.


This tutorial requires you to:

  • Have Docker installed.

  • Run a Unix-like operating system, so that you can execute bash scripts.

Set up the Environment

In the Substreams Development Environment GitHub repository, move to the graph-node folder. The entrypoint to set up the Graph Node local environment is the start.sh script, which spins up a Graph Node instance configured for a specific network (e.g. injective-mainnet), along with a local IPFS node and a local Postgres database. When using this script, you must pass two parameters: NETWORK and SUBSTREAMS_ENDPOINT.


For example, the following command spins up a Graph Node for the injective-mainnet network using the https://mainnet.injective.streamingfast.io:443 Substreams endpoint.

./start.sh injective-mainnet https://mainnet.injective.streamingfast.io:443

The script also expects the SUBSTREAMS_API_TOKEN environment variable to be configured with your Substreams API authentication token.

Interact With the Graph Node

You can interact with the Graph Node using the Graph CLI (graph). Some useful command are:

  • graph build --ipfs=http://localhost:5001: build the subgraph and store the build files in the local IPFS node.

  • graph create <NAME> --node=http://localhost:8020: create a new subgraph in the local Graph Node.

  • graph remove <NAME> --node=http://localhost:8020: remove an existing subgraph in the local Graph Node.

  • graph deploy --node http://localhost:8020/ --ipfs http://localhost:5001 <NAME>: deploy a subgraph to the local Graph Node.

Last updated

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