Dojo DEX USDT Volume Subgraph Example

The USDT Exchanges Volume Subgraph tracks the historical USDT volume for the INJ-USDT pair in the Dojo DEX.

Tip: This tutorial teaches you how to build a Substreams from scratch.

Remember that you can auto-generate your Substreams module by using the code-generation tools.

The subgraph uses the Substreams triggers to import data from the Injective foundational modules.

Before You Begin

Inspect the Project

The subgraph.yaml file defines the configuration of the data sources (i.e. where the subgraph should get the data from).

specVersion: 1.0.0
  prune: auto
  file: ./schema.graphql # 1.
  - kind: substreams
    name: Events
    network: injective-mainnet # 2.
        moduleName: wasm_events # 3.
        file: wasm-events-v0.1.0.spkg # 4.
    mapping: # 5.
      apiVersion: 0.0.7
      kind: substreams/graph-entities
      file: ./src/mapping.ts
      handler: handleEvents
  1. Path to the GraphQL schema, which defines the entities of the subgraph.

  2. Network where data should be indexed. In this case, injective-mainnet.

  3. Substreams module imported in the subgraph. This module extracts all the events with type = wasm.

  4. Substreams package (.spkg) that contains the wasm_events module.

  5. Definition of mappings. The handleEvents function will receive the data from the wasm_events Substreams module to be processed by the subgraph.

Inspect the Schema

The schema.graphql schema defines only one entity, USDTExchangeVolume, which holds the historical amount of the USDT exchanged in the Dojo DEX for the INJ-USDT pair.

type USDTExchangeVolume @entity {
  id: ID!
  amount: String!

The amount field is updated every time that a new exchange happens in the DEX.

Inspect the Code

The handleEvents function in the mappings.ts file receives the filtered events of the Substreams (those with type = wasm). The logic of the code finds out the USDT amount exchanged in the swap and updates the USDTExchangeVolume entity, adding up the amount.

export function handleEvents(bytes: Uint8Array): void { // 1.
    const eventList: EventList = Protobuf.decode<EventList>(bytes, EventList.decode); // 2.
    const events =;"Protobuf decoded, length: {}", [events.length.toString()]);

    let entity = USDTExchangeVolume.load(ID); // 3.
    if (entity == null) {"Entity not found, creating one...", []);
        entity = new USDTExchangeVolume(ID);
        entity.amount = '0';

    for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { // 4.
        const event = events[i].event;
        if (event == null || event.type != "wasm") { // should be filtered by substreams

        let contract_addr = "";
        let action = "";
        let ask_asset = "";
        let ask_amount = "";
        let offer_asset = "";
        let offer_amount = "";

        for (let i = 0; i < event.attributes.length; ++i) { // 5.
            const attr = event.attributes[i];
            if (attr.key == '_contract_addr') {
                    contract_addr = attr.value;
            } else if (attr.key == '_action') {
                    action = attr.value;
            } else if (attr.key == 'ask_asset') {
                    ask_asset = attr.value;
            } else if (attr.key == 'ask_amount' || attr.key == 'return_amount') {
                    ask_amount = attr.value;
            } else if (attr.key == 'offer_asset') {
                    offer_asset = attr.value;
            } else if (attr.key == 'offer_amount') {
                    offer_amount = attr.value;
        if (contract_addr != DOJO_addr) { // 6.

        let exchangeAmountStr = "";

        if (ask_asset == USDT_addr && ask_amount != "") {
            exchangeAmountStr = ask_amount;
        if (offer_asset == USDT_addr && offer_amount != "") {
            exchangeAmountStr = ask_amount;
        if (exchangeAmountStr == "") {

        const exchangeAmount = BigInt.fromString(exchangeAmountStr);
        const entityAmount = BigInt.fromString(entity.amount);
        const sumResult =; // 7.
        entity.amount = sumResult.toString();;
        log.debug("Entity saved: {}", [entity.amount]);
  1. Definition of the handleEvents function. As a parameter, it receives an array of bytes, representing the events consumed from the Substreams.

  2. Decode the byte array into the EventList Protobuf object, which is the output of the Substreams.

  3. Load the USDTExchangeVolume subgraph entity, which will store the historical volume. If it is the first trade, then the entity will not exist, and it must be created.

  4. Iterate over the events and verify that the event type is wasm (type == wasm). This should be already filtered by the Substreams, but it is also nice to re-check it.

  5. Iterate over the attributes of every event, finding out the necessary information (contract address, action, ask amount, offer amount...).

  6. Verify that the contract where the event is executed corresponds to the INJ-USDT pair in the Dojo DEX.

  7. Update the entity.

Deploy to a Local Graph Node

You can test your Substreams-powered Subgraph by deploying to a local Graph Node set-up. Take a look at the the Graph Node Local Development tutorial, which provides information on how to spin up a local environment for Graph Node.

First, clone the Substreams Development Environment GitHub repository and move to the graph-node folder. Execute the command with the Injective information (make sure you have Docker running in your computer).

./ injective-mainnet

The previous command will spin up a local IPFS node, a local Postgres database and a local Graph Node instance. Now, you can create a new subgraph in the Graph Node:

graph create usdt-exchange-volume --node=http://localhost:8020

Then, you can deploy:

graph deploy --node http://localhost:8020/ --ipfs http://localhost:5001 usdt-exchange-volume

The subgraph will start indexing in the Graph Node, and you check out the different logs emitted by the subgraph.

Last updated

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